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Board Meetings
The Business Improvement District board meets the second Wednesday of the month at 3:30 p.m.
There is no meeting in the month of December.
These meetings are held at city hall and are open to the public.
Past Board Meeting Minutes can be found at the City of Shawano website.
Amy Stuber, President (Cornerstone Chiropractic & Wellness)
Chelsea Gilling, Vice President (The Stock Market)
Suzette Hackl, Secretary/Treasurer (Thornberry Cottage)
Board Members:
Amber Arneson, Jdoggs LLC
Jill Birr, Jill's Pet Grooming
Stephanie DeLorme, The Avenue
Alex Hartwig, The Blend
Annelies Hartwig, A New Lease
Brad Keuschel, Council Representative
Karen Preston, Old Glory Candy
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